If you’re involved in social media, we have some pretty active accounts. Please follow these Maui social media profiles for real-time photos and video, news updates and great resources.
Facebook Maui – 232,605 fans and growing rapidly! We post a lot of photos within hours of taking them. /Maui.Hawaii.Guide
Google Plus Maui – Weekly updates of photos and information.
Twitter Maui – 6,115 followers with over 3,600 tweets about our island. @Maui
Youtube Maui – 720,014 video views on 71 hawaii videos. /Mauiinformation
Instagram Maui – 14,164 followers and 1,329 photos. Yes, we’re addicted and post daily. @mauiHi
Pinterest Maui – 1,475 followers and 193 pins /MauiHi
Vine Maui – 674 followers and 176 videos. Look for Maui Hawaii.
If you’re into social media and live on Maui, you should come to one of the MauiSMUG meetings. It’s a social media user group where we can all participate in discussion about all things SM.